In: Vegetables

June 3, 2024

Carrots, crisp and sweet, are favored for their health benefits and flavor. They require cooler soil temperatures for germination and warmer weather for growth, a combination that Jordan’s seasons naturally provide, resulting in vibrant and nutritious produce.

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June 3, 2024

Potatoes, a versatile and staple crop, grow in varied climates and soil types. However, they favor cool weather for the initial growth and warmer conditions as they mature—a demand met by the diverse agricultural local region, which allows for the cultivation of potatoes with optimal size and starch content.

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June 3, 2024

Eggplants, with their rich, spongy texture, are a staple in Middle Eastern cuisine, and it’s no wonder why: they favor warm, sunny climates which allow them to develop their deep flavor and purple hue.

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Mini Cucumber
June 3, 2024

Mini cucumbers are valued for their crunch and convenience, needing similar growing conditions to their larger counterparts. Our agricultural technologies enable efficient water usage and climate control, resulting in prolific production of these snackable veggies.

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June 3, 2024

Cucumbers, with their crisp and refreshing taste, are a popular summer vegetable. They grow best in warm, humid climates and require consistent moisture for optimum growth, making our adapted agricultural practices perfect for producing high-quality cucumbers.

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Blocky Pepper
August 27, 2024

Also known as bell peppers, these crops are known for their block-like shape and crisp texture. Blocky peppers are extremely versatile, and their mild, sweet flavor develops in Millennium Farm’s warm climate, resulting in delicious, vibrant blocky peppers.

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Sweet Bite Pepper
June 3, 2024

Capsicum, or sweet peppers, are perhaps best known for their diverse, colorful varieties and mild flavor. Rich in vital nutrients, sweet peppers are grown and cultivated the world over, though they thrive particularly well in places with long, sunny summer seasons.

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Corno Blanco Pepper
June 3, 2024

Corno Blanco peppers, characterized by their white color and sweet taste, are a unique variety that thrive in sunny and warm conditions, which allow the peppers to develop their full size and distinct, mild flavor.

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Palermo Pepper
June 3, 2024

Palermo peppers boast a sweet and fruity flavor, making them excellent for raw eating, roasting, or stuffing. Our farms receive ample sunlight and warmth, supporting the flourishing of these peppers, emphasizing their unique taste and texture.

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Kapia Pepper
June 3, 2024

Kapia peppers, known for their sweet-flavor profile and thick flesh, are primarily used in culinary dishes. They flourish in warm seasons, a condition generously met locally, ensuring a flavorful harvest of brightly colored peppers.

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